Today's consumers continue to demand smaller and more portable
computer and communications products. The solution: Intel's
SmartDieTM Product Line.
Market Trends
The 1980s gave people a powerful new tool to use at work and home:
personal computers (PCs). The PC revolution spawned multi-billion dollar
industries as hardware manufacturers, chip makers and software companies
joined the fray. While the 1980s will be forever marked by the PC revolution,
the 1990s legacy is taking a decidedly different bent.
The latest market trend can be captured in three words: miniaturization,
modularity and mobility. Consumers are becoming increasingly more mobile
and sophisticated when it comes to computer and communication devices.
As the mobile office comes of age, users are likely to be away from the
office when they need information. To augment their desktop PCs, consumers
want lightweight, low-cost computer and communication devices that they
can take with them wherever they go. Four main mobile market segments are
The good news is that the technology for all of these small form-factor systems already exists. While small-outline packages satisfy the requirements of most applications today, certain applications face form-factor constraints that demand the next level of size reduction -- unpackaged die. According to BPA Technology and Management, die consumption is expected to grow at more than three times the semiconductor industry rate through the year 2000. This growth is driven by the fact that the design and manufacturing of smaller and portable products can best be achieved by using die-level semiconductors.
What are die?
Basically, die are semiconductor chips without any packaging. Chips
come in a variety of packages, which are different sizes and shapes. The
problem is that many packages are too bulky for tomorrow's small form-factor
systems. For example, the die version of the Intel386 CX processor is only
12 percent of the total area of the smallest packaged version, and 25 percent
of the height. Up to five-to-one gains in overall circuit board real estate
savings are not uncommon with die versions vs. packaged chips. This gain
gives manufacturers the ability to get the same functionality in a much
smaller space. In other words, they can create the smaller, thinner and
lighter end products consumers want.
SmartDieTM products are the unpackaged die in Intel's die product
line which provide the same levels of quality, reliability, performance
and support as their packaged counterparts.
Intel's SmartDieTM Products vs. "The Myths"
Although die level products are not the right choice for every application,
they can provide a significant size advantage for systems that require
the smallest form factor available. There are a lot of myths floating around
that often prevent design, product development and manufacturing engineers
from fully exploring die as an option. Right now is a good time to debunk
the myths about die.
Myth #1: Die is not an option because it's too expensive. In the past, this may have been the case because semiconductor companies weren't set up to handle die sales. A customer buying untested die faced uncertain manufacturing yields and associated rework costs. Even if the customer could buy "Known Good Die," they usually paid a stiff price premium. Today, however, Intel has the testing infrastructure in place to deliver SmartDieTM products that are comparable to its packaged components. In addition, fully-tested SmartDieTM products are priced at parity with their packaged counterparts.
Myth #2: Large semiconductor companies such as Intel would never
sell die. Again, in the past this may have been the case. Selling die
was out of the main flow of many companies' product offerings.
Today's system manufacturers, however, are demanding die-level products
to develop smaller and more mobile products, causing a dramatic increase
in die sales through the end of the decade. Intel will continue to offer
more SmartDieTM Product options, including certain versions
of its industry-standard processors, microcontrollers and flash memories.
Myth #3: Even if we could get them, die aren't that much smaller anyway. The absolute smallest package you can get is no package at all: unpackaged die. Die are the smallest form factor available today. Up to five-to-one reductions in circuit board area are not uncommon using die.
Myth #4: There is no product support available for die-level products. The "You buy it, you own it" mentality is gone. Intel now offers full support for die products including complete product documentation and die-specific application and manufacturing support.
The Intel Solution
Intel's SmartDieTM products take the guesswork out of die
level products by offering the same standards as packaged products. With
Intel SmartDieTM products, customers get the same quality, reliability,
performance, availability, support and price as with traditional packaged
components. For example, the quality and reliability processes for Intel
SmartDieTM products are equivalent to its packaged products.
These include:
Product Support
In addition to the above support, Intel offers die-level manufacturing
assistance through its unique Technical Alliance Program (TAP) as an aid
to customers who lack the necessary experience and equipment to handle
unpackaged die. Intel evaluated several contract manufacturers that are
technically capable in the design, assembly and final test of systems using
unpackaged die. These contract manufacturers can help customers with Chip
On Board (COB) solutions using cost-effective laminate circuit boards.
Several manufacturers can also build multi-chip packages to deliver several
die in one surface-mountable package.
Intel is working closely with these TAP participants to provide them with
technical and product support. Customers can then choose the TAP participant
that best suits their needs.
Whether dealing through TAP or working directly with the end customer,
Intel dedicates factory resources to assist with die-level products. Multi-disciplined
support teams are available to help customers with die-level design and
manufacturing process issues. Intel offers comprehensive customer support
for its SmartDieTM products, including return material authorization
and functional analysis and correlation report support.
Intel SmartDieTM Product Solutions
We live in a world made smaller by increasingly dazzling computer and
communication options. As the 21st century unfolds, our ability to develop
smaller and lighter products is limited only by our imagination. Intel
SmartDieTM products enable tomorrow's small form-factor designs.
© Intel Corporation, 1994
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