
GenRad, Inc.

Type :
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FLASH Fast Flash_Component
Automatic Test Equipment/On-Board Programming
8/14/96 1:22:00 PM

Vendor Information

Tool Description:

The GR228X i Series Production Test Systems feature high-performance analog, digital, mixed-signal, memory, ISP, Intel Flash memory, boundary scan, and combinational test capabilities plus full CAD/CAE-to-production test tools. With its synchronized analog and digital subsystems, guided by the Hybrid Test Generator, the i Series provides the only true mixed-signal production test capability in the industry.
The modular i Series targets the needs of manufacturers of small, complex PCBs, commonly used in automotive and medical products, to manufacturers of large, heavily integrated PCBs, common to computer and communications applications, in cost-effective configurations.
The i Series is designed to provide maximum test throughput. Short test times allow the usage of the i Series to be extended into programming of flash memory and ISP without adversely effecting the production line capacity.
The new GR228X i Series allows for maximum manufacturing test flexibility. Their small footprint, power-tilt and excellent ergonomics streamline both operator and automation environments. From test generation and fault coverage to throughput and diagnostic accuracy, the i Series pushes system performance to new highs while lowering the total cost of system ownership.

Tool Features:

  • On-board programming of Intel Flash memory devices

  • Change data sets on the fly

  • Automatic program file conversion

  • Highest throughput test programming available

  • Increased board manufacturing flexibility
  • File Attachments:

    SOLF_078.PDF - SolutionsFlash Memory Catalog Product Listing

    Supported Device Detail Matrix:

    Part & Package


    28F016XD - TSOP-56 ld
    28F016XS - SSOP-56 ld
    28F016XS - TSOP-56 ld


    Vendor Information:

    GenRad, Inc.

    300 Baker Avenue
    Concord , MA 01742
    (508) 287-7000

    Fax : (508) 287-7007
    Toll Free : (800) 4GENRAD
    URL :

    Contact the vendor above for the latest Distributor information

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