83C196EA Automotive CHMOS 16-Bit Microcontroller

The 83C196EA is the first member of a new family of microcontrollers with features that are useful in automotive applications, such as powertrain control. Two Mbytes of linear address space provide more space for high-level language compilation. A demultiplexed address/data bus and three chip-select signals make it easier to design low-cost memory solutions. The external bus can dynamically switch between multiplexed and demultiplexed operation.

The 83C196EA is highly integrated with an enhanced peripheral set. The serial debug unit (SDU) provides system debug and development capabilities. The SDU can set a single hardware breakpoint and provides read and write access to code RAM through a high-speed, dedicated serial link. A stack overflow/underflow monitor assists in code development by causing an unmaskable interrupt if the stack pointer crosses a user-defined boundary. The 16-channel A/D converter supports an auto-scan mode that operates with no CPU overhead. Each A/D channel has a dedicated result register. The EPA supports high-speed event captures and output compares with 17 programmable, high-speed capture/compare channels. Eight output-only channels provide support for time-base conversions by capturing the value of one of four timers when a compare occurs.
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